
Showing posts from July, 2020

Investing Rules For Young Adult

Today’s youngsters are very  alert and knowledgeable.  As soon as she/he stands on their own feet they start thinking of investing for their better future. Many questions and complexities of thought run through their mind. Should I start investing now? from  where  should I start?  How  to invest?  Where  to invest?  Whose guidance  should I take? They have many such questions in their minds. Young guys remember that, even if your salary is low and you can save less early in the job, start your investment process. This early start will stand you  ahead of the crowd  in the future. We all know the story of the rabbit and the turtle.  Slow but steady  always wins the race.  A well-thought-out continuous and steady investments  can create wealth in the long run. I am hereby sharing you some  Dos and Don’ts  of investing process which will definitely lead to a  well crafted and successful investment journey. # Invest in  yourself . Upgrade your knowledge each day with