
Showing posts from 2020

Important Points for Life Insurance

  Purchasing life insurance is one of the most important financial decisions you’ll make. Not only does it protect your loved ones, but also a useful tool well before then. When it comes to buying life insurance to protect your family, you’ll have a lot of decisions to make. Everything from selecting the right amount of coverage to choosing a reputable insurance company to buy your policy can make the process overwhelming. The good part is that once you get started, you may discover that the process of buying life insurance really isn’t that complicated.   If you’re a first-time life insurance shopper, a good place to start is by getting a rough estimate of how much life insurance you should be purchasing to protect your family. For a quick & easy way to calculate needs, try listing your current household expenses and your liabilities, if any.    Few points we need to take into consideration to buy a proper life insurance cover:   When one gets married:     As we grow, our financia

Selection of the Stock

  What is Equity? In finance in general, you can think of equity as one’s degree ownership in any asset after all debts associated with that asset are paid off.  For example,  a house with no outstanding debt is considered entirely the owner's equity because he or she can readily sell the item for cash, and pocket the resultant sum. Stocks are equity because they represent ownership in a firm, though ownership of shares in a public company generally does not come with accompanying liabilities. How to Select an Equity Stock? With so many options, selecting  stocks  can be a challenge for the average investor. While each individual's goals may alter their investing framework, having a clear set of rules can help. The following are six basic rules to consider: Invest in stocks that offer an easy-to-understand, fairly straightforward company business model. Examples of this rule include  Infosys, TCS, and CCD etc. If you happen to have or understand specific industry knowle

Build a Formidable Retirement Portfolio to Aid Your Future

  Build a Formidable Retirement Portfolio to Aid Your Future It is rightly said by George Foreman “The Question Isn’t at What Age I Want to Retire, It’s at What Income.” What comes to our mind immediately, when we hear the word Retirement ? Relaxation, Seven Days Weekend, Long Holidays with your partner and family? A happy retirement is no longer about sitting and watching the rest of the world speed by. Retirement is all about starting on your life’s greatest adventures. Today, people think of retirement as the time when they can finally put their feet up and enjoy life without any stress or responsibilities. However, if you have not planned your finances to lead a comfortable life post-retirement, the promise of golden years can quickly fade away. Thankfully, there are a few golden rules that can help. Here we have enlisted such rules for getting your retirement planning on track: 1.   Start Early: When it comes to retirement planning