
Showing posts from November, 2019


Financial planning should really be a couple’s priority as soon as they come home from their honeymoon. Marriage does not only change a couple’s financial situation but as well as their outlook on all things money-related. There will be new financial considerations to attend to such as buying property like a new house, planning for children, spending habits, saving and investments and more. It is very important for newly married couples to be on the same page so as not to make their marriage suffer when financial matters get out of hand. Here are five effective tips on financial planning that newly married couples can use: 1. DISCUSS YOUR CURRENT FINANCIAL SITUATION You cannot just assume that your spouse will take care of everything or that s/he will assist you on your existing loan (the one that you got while you were still single). It is important to sit down and discuss where you are in your finances currently. The discussion should include your collectiv

Retirement cannot be financed

                                              What’s your retirement Plan? Let’s play a small game. Pick the odd one out: Home Vacation Car Retirement Education Dream Wedding Could you figure the odd one out? It is retirement.  You can take a loan for everything else but retirement. Hence, planning for retirement should be on everyone’s top of mind. Starting to plan for retirement as early as possible is the best way as you don’t have to stress about investing a considerable sum of the money in the later part your life.   Everyone’s retirement plan and needs are different. The size of the retirement corpus will not just depend on how much you save and invest, but also how you want to spend after retirement. If you’re going to live a frugal life, you may need to accumulate less than someone who wants to pursue expensive hobbies or go on world tours after retirement. As retirement is a long-term goal, knowing how much to invest in the different p

Sarathi – The Financial Advisor

In the Kurukshetra, the battlefield of the epic war of Mahabharat, Lord Krishna was the charioteer of Arjun. Krishna, a great warrior himself, and a king of a very large state had decided not to pick up any weapon, and hence he chose to control the chariot of Arjun. This role of a  sarathi , a charioteer, is a very important one. He reins in the horses – a potent force (aren’t machines known by their horsepower, after all?), and in our scriptures, our senses have been compared to wild horses. A  sarathi  is needed to rein in our senses, the wild horses. Just before the battle, when Arjun develops cold feet, he is overwhelmed by the emotions, the  sarathi  plays his role. Lord Krishna delivers the most powerful message in the form of the Bhagwad Geeta, to explain Arjun what his duty is and the rest, as they say, is history. This is arguably the most profound explanation about the role of a guide. Even Arjun, the best warrior of his times, needed a  sarathi . Without one