
Showing posts from May, 2019

5 Investment Tips for Women to Start Their Financial Journey

It’s irrelevant if a woman is married or not.  It’s crucial she take charge of her finances. Financial planning is as important for women as it is for men. Women have to take multiple breaks from their career. They have to hunt for new jobs after marriage on relocating to a new place, get back to work after a maternity leave, face gender discrimination at work, accept a lesser salary than their male counterparts and choose to quit working when its necessary. Every woman has some savings of her own, be it from salary or from the monthly budget allocated to the household. But are savings and investments the same thing? That’s what women in rural areas believe. As far as women working in the formal economy are concerned, they do see the difference but don’t actually do much about it. Women should understand that just opening a bank account or investing in simpler financial instruments won’t reap great returns. The portfolio needs to evolve and must be constantly monitored.