
Showing posts from March, 2019

Lesson to be learnt from Festive of Holi & its stories

As we welcome the festival of Holi, it brings with it the multicoloured brilliance of colours and the indulgent memories of childhood. Holi has many facets to it. The Bhang reminds us to accept the good things in small doses. But above all, the Holika Dahan represents the victory of good over evil. Can we take some smart cues from Holi celebrations? Actually yes! There are very interesting lessons that stem from the festival of colours. Multitude of colours represent the power of diversification Have you ever imagined how the festival of Holi would look without the multitude of colours dotting the celebrations? It would be totally insipid. The colours of Holi represent diversity. From your investment perspective, it is all about adding diversification and variety to your investments. A single point approach can be too risky. Add colour to your portfolio and bring life into your investments. Holika Dahan reminds us of the need for portfolio catharsis Most Hindu festival