
Showing posts from August, 2018

How the Yuan Could Transition from a Reserve to a Global Currency

The IMF officially green-lighted the acceptance of China’s currency – the Yuan – into the IMF’s foreign exchange basket. According to Reuters, this move paves the way for the IMF to place the yuan on a par with the US dollar. This is the latest in a series of global developments that threatens to eliminate the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Experts predict this announcement will trigger one of the most profound transfers of wealth in our lifetime.   So if you want to protect your savings & retirement, you better get your money out of US dollar investments and into the one asset class that rises as currencies collapse. The IMF Holds Supreme Power The International Monetary Fund, or IMF, is one of the most secretive and powerful organizations in the world.   They monitor the financial health of more than 185 countries. They establish global money rules and provide “bail-out” assistance to bankrupt nations.   Some are warning that any move by the IMF to supp